Resisting the Lilacs - Migrations & Home: The Elements of Place Anthology (NatureCulture 2024)

Felt Flowers - One Art (July 2023)

Hold On Loosely, Divine - Poetry As Promised (Pride Issue 2023)

Praise Poem for Brigid - Stillwater Review (Issue #13 2023)

Origin - Soup Can Magazine, (Issue #9, April 2023)

Ode to My Reflection in the Mirror (on just one day) - Writers Resist (December 2022)

When the Wild Turkeys Come, This Here - When Women Speak Anthology (December 2022)

Savage Beauty, Inopportune, Peradam, Blowing Kisses - Sensations Magazine (December 2022)

Church Raffle - Gallery Affero’s Photo Booth Project: Makes Me Wanna Holler, October 7, 2021 - January 21, 2022

Court and Spark - Drunk Monkeys (September 2022)

A Canyon In My Throat - Limp Wrist (Issue #7, Part 1)

Iterations - Digging Through the Fat (July 2022)

Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, 2003, What Kind of Chat, and Blue Fields - Platform Review (Summer 2022)

Caught On the Inhale - Stillwater Review (Issue #12 2022)

My Mother’s Hands- Paterson Literary Review (Issue #50 2022)

A Place of Many Shipwrecks- Intonations 2022 (May 2022)

Not a Flashy Thing - SoupCan Magazine (Issue #4, January 2022)

Mourning Flowers

A Crossing - The Night Heron Barks  (Fall 2021)

Johnny Boy 

Ode to Sandy

Self-Portrait as Estuary, Newark Bay Meditation

Wild West

A Vesper of Sorts - Stay Salty: Life in the Garden State, Vol. 2, 2021 (October 2021)

The Curve of Things (long version) - Stillwater Review, Issue 11, 2021 

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows - 25th Poetry Ink Anthology (August 2021)

Hum a Home

Pine Barrens Plainsong

Night Pools - Writing the Land Project (online) and Writing the Land: Northeast Anthology (2021)
Mapping - Lavender Review, Issue 23

What We Cannot See - Sensations Magazine, Supplement 11, 2021; winner of Best Newcomer Contest

Diversity of Matter - The Divine Feminist Anthology, Get Fresh Books Publishing 2021

Blowing That Trumpet Like Miles - The Night Heron Barks, Summer 2020

The Curve of Things (short version) - Moving Words Project 2020

What I Don’t Want - Jump the Turnstiles 2020; 25:49-28:28, 2019

Church Raffle - Paterson Literary Review, Issue 27, 1998



The Curve of Things virtual book launch reading and in conversation with Dr. Grisel Y. Acosta and Dimitri Reyes, moderator for Cavankerry Press, Tuesday, May 7, 2024,

Faith+Works: reading and conversation with Ysabel Y. Gonzalez, Sunday, April 14 - @HUUB, Orange, NJ,

Irish American Writers & Artists Online Salon: featured poet, July 24, 2022

Intonation, Arts By the People, Performance of “A Place of Many Shipwrecks” with Dylan Williams (dancer/choreographer) and Maggie Redmond (composer/musician) @ Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ, May 7 & 8, 2022,

The Platform (ABTP), Open Mic @Madison Arts Community Center, Madison, NJ, May 4, 2022, (“Bunny Tale”), (“Gallucci’s Lemon Ice”)

Rhythm & Words, Featured Reader @Newark Public Library, Newark, NJ, April 14, 2022,

Authors & Artists Festival 2022, @NatureCulture, virtual, featured reader, February 27, 2022, 22:26 - 31:51,

Interview with Marina Carreira, Arts By the People website, January 2022

Kathy and Sierra at Bridging Gaps, Madison Arts Center, Arts By the People

November 24, 2021

The Platform Featured Reader, Arts By the People, Short Stories Book Hub, Madison, NJ, May 12, 2019,


The Ethics of Reading: The Broken Beauties of Toni Morrison, Arundhati Roy, Nawal el Saadawi, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010

Too Smart to Be Sentimental: Irish American Women’s Literature, Notre Dame University Press, 2008